To see all of them... click on "save the date" in the menu on the left

Contact me for custom save-the-dates.  Introducing the "actually tying-the-knot" save the date card.  Choose from any of the 3 versions seen below as a starting point or let's design a one-of-a-kind version for you!  Cards are designed & printed for you and arrive loosely knotted.  Once your guest opens their card, the tension pulls the knot tight... actually tying-the-knot! 



Contact me for anything & everything to do with your wedding!  Bridal Shower invitations/games/favors, Save the Dates, Wedding Invitations, RSVP cards, menus, programs, event maps, table numbers, place cards, party favor tags, food tent cards, etc!  Below are some ideas to get you thinking...  unique thank you notes (post-wedding)
Pics of actual wedding invitations I've created coming soon! 


Contact me for custom event maps.  Make it easier for your guests to find you by including a personalized, one-of-a-kind event map inside your invitations for your wedding, your sweet sixteen party, your family reunion, etc.


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